The purpose of CTHOA shall be to register and train ice hockey
officials for USA Hockey, Inc. and others in the State of Texas for the
purposes of improving the quality of amateur, and professional hockey in the
state, for ensuring uniformity of rule interpretation, for creating better
understanding between officials, coaches, players, and other persons, for the
developing and dissemination of information on ice hockey rules, procedures,
and interpretations, and generally promoting the welfare of amateur and
professional hockey, its players, administrators, fans, and officials.
In addition, CTHOA will cooperate with any organization, including
those authorized by USA Hockey, Inc., to sponsor games, and/or tournaments, or
other organizations properly qualified (with regard to insurance, and
liability) to sponsor games, and/or tournaments in order to coordinate the
methods and manner by which said officials will be solely determined by, and at
all times, shall be the responsibility of CTHOA. When the Austin area hosts a USA
Hockey sponsored tournament, the applicable USA
assignments policies will supersede CTHOA procedures as required.
In order to accomplish these purposes, CTHOA will test officials,
critique officials, and offer training seminars covering rules, skating, and
procedures, all in accordance with USA Hockey, Inc., and its State, District,
and National Referees-in-Chief, and their staffs, and any others that CTHOA
shall deem appropriate.
1 - Name
6 - Board of Directors
8 - Standing Committees
1.1 - Name
6.1 - General Powers
8.1 - General
1.2 - Office
and Duties
A. Disciplinary Action Committee
6.2 - Composition
B. Nomination and Elections
C. Evaluation and Seminar
2 - Purpose
6.3 - Regular Meetings
2.1 - Purpose
8.2 - Committee Member terms
6.4 - Special Meetings
3 - Membership
9 - Board and Records
3.1 - Membership
6.5 - Notice of Special
9.1 - Location
A. Active Members
9.2 - Inspection
B. Inactive Members
6.6 - Quorum
C. Affiliate Members
9.3 - Audit
D. Honorary Members
6.7 - Informal Action
10 - Annual Dues
3.2 - Qualified Members
7 - Officers
10.1 - Annual Dues
7.1 - Elected Officers
3.3 - Resignations
11 - Discipline of Members
7.2 Qualifications for
11.1 - Grounds for discipline
3.4 - Reinstatements
Elected officers
11.2 - Notification of charges
3.5 - Voting Rights
7.3 - Nominations
11.3 - Right of Hearing
3.6 - Registration Fees
7.4 - Removal from office
11.4 - Appeal
3.7 - Status of Members
7.5 - Vacancies
12 - Amendments
3.8 - Good Standing
7.6 - Resignations
12.1 - Procedures
4 - Jurisdiction
7.7 - Elections
12.2 - Adoption
4.1 Jurisdiction
7.8 - Re-elections
13 - Parliamentarian
5 - Meetings
13.1 - Parliamentarian
5.1- Meetings of Members
7.9 - Balloting
14 - Miscellaneous Provisions
5.2 - Notice of Meetings
7.10 - Term of Office
14.1 - Fiscal Year
5.3 - Quorum
7.11 President
14.2 -Depositories
5.4 - Proxies
7.12 - Vice President
14.3 - Checks, Drafts, and Notes
5.5 - Procedures
7.13 - Treasurer
14.4 - Contracts, and Other Info
7.14 - Secretary/Registrar
15 - Adoption of By-laws
15.1 - Adoption of By-laws
7.15 - Referee-in-Chief
15.2 – By-law changes
15.3 – By-Law Changes
Article 1 – Name
Section 1.1 – Name
The name of this association shall be the Central
Texas Hockey Officials Association (hereinafter, called CTHOA), a Corporation
of the State of Texas.
Section 1.2 – Office
CTHOA may have offices at such places as the Board
of Directors may from time to time determine.
Article 2 – Purpose
Section 2.1 – Purpose
The purpose of CTHOA shall be to register and
train ice hockey officials for USA Hockey, Inc. and others in the State of
Texas for the purposes of improving the quality of amateur, and professional
hockey in the state, for ensuring uniformity of rule interpretation, for
creating better understanding between officials, coaches, players, and other
persons, for the developing and dissemination of information on ice hockey
rules, procedures, and interpretations, and generally promoting the welfare of
amateur and professional hockey, its players, administrators, fans, and
officials. In addition, CTHOA will
cooperate with any organization, including those authorized by USA Hockey,
Inc., to sponsor games, and/or tournaments, or other organizations properly
qualified (with regard to insurance, and liability) to sponsor games, and/or
tournaments in order to coordinate the methods and manner by which said
officials will be solely determined by, and at all times, shall be the responsibility
of CTHOA. When the Austin area hosts a USA Hockey sponsored
tournament, the applicable USA assignments
policies will supersede CTHOA procedures as required.
In order to accomplish these purposes, CTHOA will
test officials, critique officials, and offer training seminars covering rules,
skating, and procedures, all in accordance with USA Hockey, Inc., and its
State, District, and National Referees-in-Chief, and their staffs, and any
others that CTHOA shall deem appropriate.
Article 3 – Membership
Section 3.1 – Membership qualifications
Membership shall be
restricted to those persons who have met the requirements of CTHOA, as
determined by the Officers and who shall have paid the annual or monthly dues,
if any, of CTHOA, and registration fees to USA Hockey, Inc. Members shall be
comprised of the following classes of membership:
A: Active Member:
Comprised of individuals who have completed all of
the USA Hockey, Inc., registration requirements, have complied with all
membership requirements of CTHOA, and are in good standing to officiate hockey
games. All local officials must have active member status to officiate
games. Active members will be further
classified by categories may have been, from time to time, established by USA
Hockey, Inc.
B: Inactive Members:
Comprised of individuals who were formerly duly
qualified officials, who were in good standing when they ceased to be Active
Members, and presently no longer officiate hockey games.
C: Affiliate Members:
Comprised of members, or business entities, who
are not Active Members, or Inactive Member, but who have a special interest in
the purposes of CTHOA.
D: Honorary Members:
Comprised of individuals upon whom CTHOA desires
to confer such status, according to criteria to be established by CTHOA.
only Active Members, as defined above, and who are in good standing, are
eligible to vote. See Sections 3.5 and 3.8.
Section 3.2 – Qualified Members
may apply for membership in CTHOA, pursuant to criteria set forth herein, and
as may be amended from time to time by CTHOA.
Each member of CTHOA must sign a membership agreement form stating they
are not employees of CTHOA, nor are they required to accept assignments, as
provided by CTHOA. (Refer to Section 3.7.)
Section 3.3 – Resignation
member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Secretary. Such resignation shall NOT relieve the member
so resigning of the obligation to pay any dues, assessments, or other charges,
previously accrued, and unpaid, prior to the receipt of such resignation.
Section 3.4 – Reinstatements
written request signed by a former member, and filed with the Secretary, the
Board of Directors may reinstate such former member to the membership, upon
terms as the Board of Directors may deem appropriate.
Section 3.5 – Voting rights
Each active member shall be entitled to one vote
on any issue requiring the consent of the general membership, providing he/she
is a member in good standing of CTHOA.
Membership in CTHOA shall be required to be renewed by all members each
year. The President of CTHOA shall have
voting rights in all meetings, including all committees, with the exception of
meetings of the General Membership, where he/she will cast a vote only to break
a tie.
Section 3.6 – Registration fees
Registration fees for all classifications of
officials shall be the USA Hockey, Inc. registration fee, plus any additional
amount deemed necessary by the Officers of CTHOA, and approved by majority vote
of the General Membership.
Section 3.7 – Status of Members
All members of CTHOA are independent contractors
in their officiating capacities, and are not employees of USA Hockey, Inc.,
CTHOA, any officer of CTHOA, or any other person, or entity for whom members
work as officials. All members of CTHOA
recognize this status, and understand neither USA Hockey, Inc. CTHOA, nor its
officers, are employers, and, therefore, the members shall not be eligible to
collect workers compensation from USA Hockey, Inc., CTHOA, its officers, or any
other person, or entity, for any injuries sustained while officiating.
Section 3.8 – Good standing
A member in good standing is a member who has met
all the membership requirements contained in these By-laws, has paid any
required dues and/or fees in a timely manner, has observed and complied with
these By-laws, is not subject to disciplinary action by CTHOA, and has met all
other requirements of CTHOA.
Article 4 – Jurisdiction
Section 4.1 – Jurisdiction
CTHOA shall have final jurisdiction over all USA
Hockey, Inc. officiating programs, and all ice hockey officials in the Austin,
Texas area.
Article 5 – Meetings
Section 5.1 – Meetings of members
CTHOA shall hold no less than one (1) regular
meeting during each fiscal year. There
shall be one (1) annual meeting of members which shall be held in September of
each year, for the purpose of electing officers, and for the transaction of any
other business which may come before the general membership at that
meeting. The Board of Directors may call
other meetings when deemed necessary or appropriate.
Section 5.2 – Notice of meetings
Notice of meeting of members will be via phone, in
person, by mail, by electronic mail, or by posted notice (e.g., In the
Officials’ Locker Room). It is
recommended that a minimum of ten (10) days notice be provided.
Section 5.3 – Quorum
The presence of 50% of the Active Membership shall
constitute a quorum at the annual meeting.
A majority vote of such members where a quorum is present is necessary
to make a decision, except where some other number is required by law, or by
these By-laws. The presence of 50% of
the Board of Director’s shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board
of Directors, as outlined in Article 6 of these By-laws. In the event that a quorum is not present,
voting may be done by e-mail.
Section 5.4 – Proxies
Members of CTHOA, or its Officers, shall not be
represented by the use of any proxy at any time, except that, Active Members,
in good standing, shall be allowed to vote via proxy on any issue requiring the
consent of the General Membership, provided that the proxy is voted by another
Active Member, in good standing, and the proxy indicated specifically, what
issue, or issues are to be voted, what the vote is to be cast (i.e., yea, or
nay), is signed, and dated by the Active Member voting via proxy, and indicates
specifically who is authorized to cast the proxy vote.
Section 5.5 – Procedures
Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with
parliamentary procedures, as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order may be
suspended for all or part of the meeting then in progress.
Article 6 – Board of Directors
Section 6.1 – General Powers and duties
The Board of Directors shall manage the property,
business, and affairs of CTHOA. The
Board of Directors may exercise all such powers of CTHOA, as are not by law, or
by these By-laws, directed or required to be exercised by the members.
Section 6.2 – Composition
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of four
(5) Directors, consisting of active members in good standing of CTHOA, who shall
be elected by majority vote of the Active Membership, including a President,
Vice-President Youth Section, Vice-President Adult Section, Treasurer, and
Secretary/Registrar. Additionally,
unless the immediate past President has resigned from office, or in the event
that the immediate past President has resigned from office, or in the event
that the immediate past President of CTHOA shall not be elected to another
office, he/she shall remain on the Board of Directors for a period of one (1)
year, after the expiration of his/her Presidency, in order to maintain
continuity from administration to administration. These electees, and past President, shall be,
and constitute, the Board of Directors of CTHOA. Each Director shall hold office until a
successor has been elected, or until his/her death, resignation, or removal.
Section 6.3 – Regular meetings
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall
be held without other notice than these By-laws describe, as soon as practical,
immediately following the annual meeting of the Members. Additional meetings shall by held, with
written notice, periodically, throughout the year.
Section 6.4 – Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall
be held without other notice than these By-laws describe, on the call of the
President, or at the request of any Director.
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any location
approved by the President, and only if the meeting was called by another Director,
the Director calls for the Special Meeting. (See Article 6, Section 5)
Section 6.5 – Notice of special meetings
When practical, notice of each Special Meeting of
the Board of Directors, including the date, time, and location of said Special
Meeting, shall be maintained by, or at the direction of the Secretary, to each
Director addressed to him at his residence, or usual place of business, at
least seven (7) days before the day of the meeting. Any meeting of the Board of Directors shall
be a legal meeting without any notice having been given, if a majority of the
Directors are present. Neither the
business to be transacted, nor the purpose of any regular, nor special Meeting,
of the Board of directors needs to be specified in the notice.
Section 6.6 – Quorum
A majority of the Board of Directors shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board
of Directors. In the absence of a
quorum, a majority of the Directors present may adjourn the meeting to a future
date, and the Secretary shall give all absent Directors seven (7) days notice
of such adjourned date; then, the Directors present, on such adjourned date,
shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of conducting business, provided
that, in no event, shall a quorum consist of less than one third (1/3) of the
whole Board of Directors.
Section 6.7 – Informal Action
Any action required to be taken at a meeting of
the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting, if consent, in writing,
setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by a majority of the Board
of Directors.
Article 7 – Officers
Section 7.1 – Elected Officers
The elected officers of CTHOA shall be the
President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary/Registrar. Such officers shall be elected by the
eligible General Voting Membership annually (see also Article 6, Section
2). Except for the initial Officers,
which shall be elected with the ratification of these By-laws, by the
Membership, and have terms of office as outline in Article 7, Section 10.
Section 7.2 – Qualifications for elected officers
Only Active members of CTHOA shall be eligible to
be elected as Officers.
7.3 – Nominations
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall
recommend to the Membership a slate of candidates for election at the annual
meeting of the Members. Each Officer
currently holding office shall have the opportunity to run again for any
office. Nominations from all Active
Members will also be accepted at the Annual Meeting. Not more than four (4) candidates shall be
placed on the ballot for any single office.
Officers shall be voted on in the following order; 1. President; 2.
Vice-President; 3. Treasurer; 4. Secretary / Registrar. If a candidate for an office(s) loses that
election he/she may be nominated for another office.
Section 7.4 – Removal from office
Any Officer elected by the Membership may be
removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the eligible voting
membership, at a meeting in which a quorum of the Officers, and a quorum of the
General Membership, is present.
Section 7.5 – Vacancies
Any vacancy occurring in any office may be filled
by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Each Officer, so appointed shall hold the office appointed to for the
unexpired term of the office.
Section 7.6 – Resignations
Any Officer may resign, at any time, by giving
written notice to the Board of Directors.
Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein; unless
otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be
necessary to make it effective.
Section 7.7 – Elections
Election of Officers shall be held annually.
Section 7.8 – Re-elections
All officers who meet the requirements in these
By-laws, and who are properly nominated, are eligible for re-election. There are no term limits.
Section 7.9 – Balloting
Unless a majority of those Active Members who are
present, and in good standing, request a “secret ballot”, balloting shall be by
a show of hands (“open ballot”) by those Active Members who are present, and in
good standing, or by proxy, as provided for by Article 5, Section 4. The question of “open” vs. “secret” balloting
will be asked prior to the election of each office. Nominees for each office will leave the room,
prior to the vote for that office, and return following the vote. Each nominee will be credited with a vote for
himself/herself. If a tie vote occurs,
there shall be another “open”, or
“secret”, ballot as determined for the office by those Active Members, in good
standing, present at the Annual Meeting, with two (2) nominees receiving the
most votes in the first balloting, as candidates. If a tie vote results in the second
balloting, the Board of Directors shall decide upon a winner.
Section 7.10 – Term of Office
The term of office for each Officer shall be
approximately one (2) year from Annual Meeting to the following Annual Meeting.
Section 7.11 – President
The President shall be the chief executive officer
of the Association, and shall, in general, supervise, and control, all of the
business, and affairs, of the Association. The President shall serve as the Area
Supervisor. The President shall preside
at all meetings; serve as an ex-official member on all committees; call Special
Meetings of CTHOA, when deemed necessary, and shall appoint committees, and a
referee-in-chief, as required by these By-laws, or as deemed necessary. The President, along with at least two (2)
other Officers, appointed by the President, shall negotiate with the various
hockey associations, annually, on matters relating to game fees, and working
conditions. Such fees, and conditions,
shall, when finalized, be agreed to in writing by CTHOA officials, with respect
to training, rules, procedures, and conduct.
The President shall be responsible for coordinating these activities
with USA Hockey, Inc., through the State, District, and National
Referees-in-Chief, and the chapter’s representatives.
Section 7.12 – Vice President(s)
In the absence of the President(s), or, in the
event of the President’s inability, or refusal to act, the Vice President(s)
shall perform the duties of President, and, when so acting, shall have all the
powers of the President. The Vice
President(s) shall be responsible for ensuring that the Treasurer handles the
financial affairs of CTHOA in a timely, and responsible fashion; that all
reports, including, but not limited to, the annual report, shall be accurate,
and reflect a true representation of the financial condition of CTHOA; ensure
that the Treasurer maintains all financial, and accounting records in an
organized, and up-to-date manner; and, ensure that the Treasurer shall file all
reports, as required by the President, Internal Revenue Service, or, as
required by these By-laws.
Section 7.13 - Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have charge, and custody of,
and be responsible for, all funds of CTHOA.
He/she shall provide an annual report at the annual meeting of members,
and, any other reports, when deemed necessary by the President. The Treasurer shall demonstrate to the Vice
President that he/she is handling all financial matters of CTHOA in a
professional manner, and shall provide all reports to the Vice President, for
review, and audit.
Section 7.14 – Secretary/Registrar
The Secretary/Registrar shall keep the minutes of
all meetings; see that all notices are given in accordance with these By-laws,
and, in general, perform all duties incidental to the office of
Secretary/Registrar, or, as assigned by the President. The Secretary/Registrar shall also be
responsible for the registration of CTHOA members; keep records of all registrations,
and procedures to coordinate registration activities with USA Hockey, Inc.
through the State and District, Referees-in-Chief.
Section 7.15 – Referee-in-Chief
The Referee-in-Chief shall be responsible to the
President for officiating work, evaluation activities, training, and other
duties deemed necessary by the President.
This position shall be appointed by the President.
Article 8 – Standing Committees
Section 8.1 – General
CTHOA may have standing committees to deal with
the various components of the officiating program. Nothing in this section shall limit the
number of committees, nor their membership, provided that at a minimum there
shall be the following committees:
A: Disciplinary Action Committee
The President shall appoint three (3) members to
serve as the Disciplinary Action Committee.
This committee shall hear, and decide, all charges brought against any
Member. The committee shall appoint one
of them to serve as Chairman.
B: Nominations and Elections Committee
The President shall appoint a Nominating and
Elections Committee, and the Chairman of the committee, which shall consist of
Directors currently in office. The
Nominating and Elections Committee shall invite suggestions from the Membership
of all classes, for those offices, which are vacant, or, about to expire, as
explained in Article 7, Section 3, of these By-laws. The Nominating and Elections Committee shall
then nominate candidates for the required offices, and report such nominations
to the Membership, at the Annual Meeting of Members for election.
C: Evaluation and Seminar Committee
The President shall appoint an Evaluations and
Seminar Committee, which shall be chaired by the Area Supervisor. The Evaluation and Seminar Committee shall
review, and maintain, the process by which Members are evaluated, and plan and
conduct all seminars and training sessions.
Section 8.2 – Committee member terms
All committee members shall serve for the same
term, and pursuant to, the same conditions as the Officers.
Article 9 – Board and Records
Section 9.1 – Location
The books, accounts, and records of CTHOA shall be
kept current by the Treasurer at all times.
Section 9.2 - Inspection
The books, accounts, and records, of CTHOA, may be
inspected by any member(s), and/or, Officer, for any reason, provided that
twenty-four (24) hours notice (verbal or written) is given to the Treasurer,
and to the President, of the request to inspect, except, as otherwise provided
by law.
Section 9.3 – Audit
The accounts of CTHOA shall be audited not less
than annually, by a certified public accountant, who shall be appointed by the
President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, and, who shall provide
a report to the Board of Directors, which shall be provided to the Membership,
at the next Annual Meeting of the members.
Additionally, the accountant shall prepare the required income tax
statements, and file them with the IRS upon approval of the tax statements by
the Board of Directors.
Article 10 – Annual Dues
Section 10.1 – Annual Dues
The members may determine, from time to time, the
amount of any member fee, if any; annual dues payable by the classes of members
for supporting organizational activities; the dates upon which payment is due,
and penalties for non-payment, or failure to pay in a timely manner.
Article 11 – Discipline of Members
Section 11.1 – Grounds for discipline
For failure to comply with these By-laws,
established authority, or regulations of CTHOA, or for delinquency in payment
of authorized charges, fines, penalties, or assessments, or for any other
conduct conclusively established to be contrary to the best interests of CTHOA,
a member may be fined, placed on probation, suspended, or expelled, from CTHOA.
Section 11.2 – Notification of Charges
A charged member shall receive written notice, by
certified mail, return receipt requested, of the charges against him/her
indicating the alleged violation, with specific reference to the Bylaws
provision rule, or regulation he/she allegedly violated; the specific alleged
volatile conduct; where, and when, the alleged volatile conduct occurred, and
the person, or entity, who filed the charge.
Such member shall also be provided, at that time, with copies of all
documents related to the charges, which may be used in prosecuting charges. He/she shall also be referred to these
By-laws, with respect to his/her procedural rights
Section 11.3 – Right of Hearing
A member charged with a serious violation(s) (not
for routine violations, such as failure to be present to officiate an assignment),
shall have the right to be heard in person, or by written statement, made by
him/her in his/her own defense, before the Disciplinary Action Committee. Such right shall be afforded prior to the
imposition of any fine, penalty, or other disciplinary action (a member may be
placed on “temporary leave”, prior to such hearing, and this action will not
violate the member’s right to a hearing prior to the imposition of disciplinary
action), and a member may seek a personal hearing within fourteen (14) days of
the date of the written notification to him/her of a violation. At the hearing, the person or entity bringing
the charges shall be present (if the member charged does not attend, the
hearing will be held in his/her absence), and both sides may present any
information and /or documents. Each
party may ask questions of the other party and/or the other party’s
witness(s) Legal council may be present
and fully participate if CTHOA is notified at least three(3) days prior to the
date of the hearing, so that it can have its own legal council present. The hearing may be audiotape recorded, and
all documents shall be retained. A
written decision shall be made and sent to both parties by certified mail,
return receipt requested, within fourteen (14) days of the hearing date. A majority vote of the members of the
Disciplinary Action Committee shall determine its decision.
Section 11.4 – Appeal
Any member suspended by the Disciplinary Action
Committee shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Directors, by giving
its Chairman written notice within seven (7) days of receipt of the
Disciplinary Action Committee’s decision.
The Board of Directors shall decide the appeal on the record before the
Disciplinary Action Committee, and on its review of any further written
arguments to be submitted by bother parties, and received by the Chairman no
later than seven (7) days prior to the date set for oral argument. Legal counsel may participate, provided CTHOA
is notified at least three (3) days prior to the date of the hearing, so that
it can have its own legal counsel present.
A written decision shall be made by majority vote of the Board of
Directors and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, within fourteen
(14) days of the date on which the oral argument was heard.
Article 12 – Amendments
Section 12.1 – Procedures
These By –laws may be amended, or changed, at the
annual meeting, or at any Special Meeting, of the general Membership. Each proposed amendment must be submitted to
the President at least fourteen (14) days prior to the next Annual Meeting, or
scheduled Special Meeting, of the General Membership. No amendment shall be eligible for
presentation at the meeting, unless it has been published, and distributed, to
all eligible voting Members at that meeting.
Section 12.2 – Adoption
Any proposed amendment shall be presented,
following publication, and distribution, at the next Annual Meeting, or Special
Meeting. After discussion, a vote of the
majority of the Active Members present shall be required to adopt the
Article 13 – Parliamentarian
Section 13.1 – Parliamentarian
The Secretary of CTHOA, or higher designee, shall
act as Parliamentarian at all meetings.
CTHOA shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order when conducting
meetings. By majority votes of those
Active Members present, Robert’s Rules of Order may be suspended for all, or
part of, the meeting then in progress.
Article 14 – Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 14.1 – Fiscal year
The fiscal year of CTHOA shall end on the 31st
day of December each year.
Section 14.2 – Depositories
The Board of Directors shall appoint banks, trust
companies, or other depositories, in which shall be deposited, from time to
time, the money, or securities of CTHOA.
Section 14.3 – Checks, drafts, and notes
All checks, drafts, or other orders for the
payment of money, and all notes, or, other evidences of indebtedness, issued in
the name of CTHOA, shall be signed by such Officers, or Agents as shall, from
time to time, be designated by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 14.4 – Contracts, and other information
Except as otherwise provided in these By-laws, the
Board of Directors may authorize any officer, agent, or agents, to enter into
any contract, or execute, and deliver, any instrument in the name, and on
behalf of, CTHOA. Such authority may be
general, or confined to specific instances.
Article 15 – Adoption of By-laws
Section 15.1 – Adoption of By-laws
As first adopted at the special CTHOA formation
meeting of January 12, 1999, by a majority vote of the eligible members
Section 15.2 - By-laws Modified
Article 6 –Board Of Directors
Section 6.2 – Composition
Change # of board members from 4 to 5 adding a
second Vice-President. (VP-Youth & VP-Adult)
Article 7 –Officers
Section 7.10 – Term of Office
Change terms from 1 year to 2 years
Section 7.12 – Vice President
Change wording to reflect multiple Vice Presidents
Approved by majority vote of eligible members on
October 6, 2008.
Section 15.3 – By-Laws Modified
Section 3.1 – Membership Qualifications
Section 3.2 – Qualified Members
Section 3.3 – Resignation
Section 3.4 – Reinstatements
Approved by majority vote of eligible members on
September 1. 2009.